Day 6: Amplify Awareness

I. Overview

Amplifying awareness

The more you return to awareness in ordinary moments, the more easily you’ll be able to access it in critical situations.

When you’re present, you may discover that even everyday experiences like eating a raisin or taking a walk can be extraordinary. How miraculous is it for so many different parts of your body to instantly coordinate to recognize a raisin, see it, pick it up, chew, and taste it while you’re still breathing?

With this mantra, you can use your breath to return to mindfulness whenever you find yourself mindlessly rushing through life.

After your meditation (Return), remember to take a few minutes to reflect and discover insights (Listen). Then, choose one action to commit to for today (Begin).

II. Dedicated Practice


Awareness of Breath Meditation

Throughout this meditation, bring a gentle awareness to your thoughts, feelings, and body sensations as you follow the audio guidance.

By returning to the breath, we're learning to reconnect with our awareness of our experience. We can then gently note our reactions in the body, feelings, and mind—thoughts, emotions, and habits of the mind.

As you’re breathing, return to the mantra Amplify Awareness. Using this mantra will align your attention and remind you that you are building the habit of awareness through this practice. This helps orient your mind around the goal of building this capacity over time. 

Choose from one of the following meditations. There is a shorter version, which is about ten minutes, and a longer version, which is thirty minutes. If you choose the shorter meditation and would like more guidance throughout your practice, the meditation labeled "More Guidance" has additional instructions and reminders.


Take a few minutes to reflect or journal:

Take a few moments to listen to what is emerging within when you return to the present moment with your breath. Gently invite these suggested questions to listen within:

  • What did you discover about your inner and outer experiences?
  • Did seeing the experience as pleasant, unpleasant, or neutral shift your experience in any way?
  • What is your intention for this situation?


Before you begin the next activity, like checking your phone or eating, bring awareness to your present moment. This includes any thoughts, needs, and emotions. Check-in with your intentions for the activity and begin with awareness.

Make a commitment to return to this practice and mantra at specific times of the day. For example, as you transition between appointments, before you begin working, or before you pick up your phone . 

III. Daily Reminder to Integrate Awareness in Your Day

Return to the mantra—Amplify Awareness—throughout the day.

Real-World Triggers to Practice and Play with the Mantra

You can use one or more of the following everyday cues to return to the mantra:

  • When triggered
  • When feeling overwhelmed
  • Transitioning between activities
  • Before beginning a new project
  • During enjoyable activities like having a conversation with a loved one
  • During routine activities
  • To disrupt the habit of living on autopilot

Please share in comments below the situations when you found this mantra useful.

Practice and Play with the Mantra: Amplify Awareness

Listen to the 3-5 minute audio guidance to return to mindfulnes in your day with this reminder.

Complete and Continue  