What Is Awareness?

"I trust the mystery. I trust what comes in silence and what comes in nature where there's no diversion. I think the lack of stimulation allows us to hear and experience a deeper river that's constant, still, vibrant, and real. And the process of deep listening with attention and intention catalyzes and mobilizes exactly what's needed at that time." – Angeles Arrien

Awareness, noun

Awareness is our capacity to observe without judgment what’s happening in the outer world and the inner self, including our body, feelings, thoughts, habits of the mind, and what we value.

Awareness disrupts our habit of living on autopilot by becoming masterful at observation.


Take a few breaths to arrive to this moment. Reconnect with your intention for beginning this course. As you read through the content, the invitation is to be present to the words, listen within to what the words bring up for you, and stay open to any insights or learning that emerges.


Awareness is the necessary first step to return to mindfulness. This is our capacity to be present to what’s happening within and around us. But too often we’re on autopilot: zoned out as if hypnotized while rushing through one task after another!

This habitual loop of actions and outcomes is typically not fulfilling, and we may not even be aware of it. It’s so easy to miss the magic of being awake in our everyday lives—the lusciousness of a decadent dark chocolate, witnessing our children learn and grow, golden sunsets, and meaningful conversations. Such moments can easily pass us by when we’re stuck on autopilot mode—losing up to 95 percent of precious time spent here on Earth!

Awareness snaps us out of our trance and gives us choice: to continue to autocruise, or to reconnect with the aliveness and possibilities in our present moment. 

Are we heading in the right direction or do we need to change? Awareness enables us to observe not only what’s easily visible, but also what is hidden in plain sight.

You will be using the guided meditations, reflection questions, and integration prompts to develop this important quality of the mind.

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