Day 1: Wake Up with The Senses

I. Overview

Cultivating Sensory Awareness

Today's mantra—Wake up with the senses—is a wonderful way to wake up and start your day. Instead of mindlessly reaching out for your phone, what if you were to take a few moments for sensory awareness? Look at the morning sky, really enjoy the taste of your morning cup of tea or coffee, or sense the breath moving in and out of your body.

Today's focus is a mindful exploration through your senses. By gently redirecting your attention from your thoughts to the captivating world of sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell, you'll discover the joy and peace that comes with being fully present in the here and now.

This simple yet powerful reminder—wake up with the senses—will help you step out of your mind's chatter and into the richness of the moment, allowing you to savor life's experiences with renewed spaciousness.

This is a great practice to do as you move from one location to another at home, school, or place of work—like from one room to another room at home, your house to your car, or walking on your school campus. Instead of looking at your phone or ruminating, use the moments of transition to walk mindfully and strengthen your sensory awareness, which is a direct path to mindfulness. You can also use this practice when you have been engaged in a mental or mundane activity for a while and want to take a refreshing break.

So, let's dive in and awaken our senses to the wonders that surround us!

After your meditation (Return), remember to take a few minutes to reflect and discover insights (Listen). Then, choose one action to commit to for today (Begin).

II. Dedicated Practice


Awareness of Breath Meditation

The breath allows us to experience the spaciousness within.

By returning to the sensations of breathing, we're learning to let go of thinking and simply being.

As you’re breathing, you can silently drop the the mantra, Wake up with the senses, as a reminder to expand your sensory awareness. This helps orient your mind around the intention of fostering sensory awareness over time. 

Choose from one of the following meditations. There is a shorter version, which is about ten minutes, and a longer version, which is thirty minutes. If you choose the shorter meditation and would like more guidance throughout your practice, the meditation labeled "More Guidance" has additional instructions and reminders.


Take a few minutes to reflect or journal:

Please take a few moments to reflect on your experience in whatever way feels natural to you. Sometimes freestyle journaling can help explore unconscious patterns.

 If helpful, gently invite these questions to gain an understanding of your sensory awareness—which senses do you tend to use more or less?

1. What are the causes and conditions that leave you disconnected from your senses, and what strengthens awareness of your senses?

2. What are the consequences—how does it feel when you’re disconnected from your senses, and how does it feel when you return to your senses?

3. Based on your discoveries and insights, set an intention to deepen your sensory awareness. Maybe commit to one activity you will do today, during which you will give your full attention to your senses, like eating, walking, listening to music, or taking a shower.


Integrate your intentions and insights before you begin your activities and interactions in the world. Return to your senses in between work or when you need breaks—rest your thinking mind on one sense of your choice.

Make a commitment to return to this practice and mantra at specific times of the day. For example, as you transition between appointments, before you begin working, or before you pick up your phone.

III. Daily Reminder to Integrate Awareness in Your Day

Return to the mantra—Awaken with the senses—throughout the day.

Real-World Triggers to Practice and Play with the Mantra

You can use one or more of the following everyday cues to return to the mantra:

  • Waking up
  • Overthinking
  • Taking a break
  • When feeling overwhelmed
  • Transitioning between activities
  • During enjoyable activities like eating chocolate cake or out in nature.
  • Disrupting over-reliance on thinking

Please share in comments below the situations when you found this mantra useful.

Practice and Play with the Mantra: Awaken with Your Senses

Listen to the 3-5 minute audio guidance to return to mindfulnes in your day with this reminder.

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