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Reset Your Mind
What you need to know before you start
Course Overview
How To Use This Program
Week 1: Reset for Awareness-A Fresh Start!
What Is Awareness?
Day 1: Awareness Of Your Autopilot
Week 1 Day 2
Day 2: Awareness Of Body
Week 1 Day 3
Day 3: Awareness Of Feelings
Week 1 Day 4
Day 4: Awareness Of Mind
Week 1 Day 5
Day 5: Awareness Of Your Experience
Week 1 Day 6 & 7
Day 6 & 7: Repeat & Discuss
Week 2: Reset for Compassion-The Courage to Be with What Is
What Is Compassion?
Day 1: Self Compassion
Week 2 Day 2
Day 2: Settling Mind And Intentions
Week 2 Day 3
Day 3: Compassion For Others
Week 2 Day 4
Day 4: Body Scan With Self-Compassion
Week 2 Day 5
Day 5: Balance Compassion For Self & Others
Week 2 Day 6 & 7
Day 6 & 7: Repeat & Discuss
Week 3: Reset for Curiosity-In the Middle of It All, Be Open and Patient
What Is Curiosity?
Day 1: Curiosity In Mundane Activities
Week 3 Day 2
Day 2: Feeling The Experience In Your Body
Week 3 Day 3
Day 3: RESET For Clarity
Week 3 Day 4
Day 4: Curiosity Of Mind States
Week 3 Day 5
Day 5: Un-label Yourself
Week 3 Day 6 & 7
Day 6 & 7: Repeat & Discuss
Week 4: Reset for Energy-Chop Wood, Carry Water
What Is Energy?
Day 1: Energy In Four Domains
Week 4 Day 2
Day 2: Visiting The Physical Room
Week 4 Day 3
Day 3: Visiting The Room Of Emotions
Week 4 Day 4
Day 4: Visiting The Mind's Room
Week 4 Day 5
Day 5: Visiting The Spiritual Room
Week 4 Day 6 & 7
Day 6 & 7: Repeat & Discuss
Week 5: Reset for Appreciative Joy-A Foundation for Fulfilling Goals
What Is Appreciative Joy?
Day 1: Appreciating The Body
Week 5 Day 2
Day 2: Appreciating Mundane Activities
Week 5 Day 3
Day 3: Appreciating Nature
Week 5 Day 4
Day 4: Reframing With Appreciative Joy
Week 5 Day 5
Day 5: Appreciating People
Week 5 Day 6 & 7
Day 6 & 7: Repeat & Discuss
Week 6: Reset With Inner Calm-The Art of Stopping: “Ask the Horse
What Is Inner Calm?
Day 1: Calming Breath
Week 6 Day 2
Day 2: Calming The Body
Week 6 Day 3
Day 3: Befriending Emotions
Week 6 Day 4
Day 4: Calming The Mind
Week 6 Day 5
Day 5: Calm In Motion
Week 6 Day 6 & 7
Day 6 & 7: Repeat & Discuss
Week 7: Reset for Focus-Intentional Attention to Getting It Done
What Is Mindful Focus?
Day 1: Focus With Ease
Week 7 Day 2
Day 2: Focus On Priorities
Week 7 Day 3
Day 3: Focus On The Go
Week 7 Day 4
Day 4: Focus On The Body
Week 7 Day 5
Day 5: Unify The Mind & Body
Week 7 Day 6 & 7
Day 6 & 7: Repeat & Discuss
Week 8: Reset for Balance-The Mountain and The Bamboo
What is Balance?
Day 1: Unshakeable Balance of Mind
Week 8 Day 2
Day 2: Connecting With Your Inner Resources
Week 8 Day 3
Day 3: Wise & Continuous Mindfulness
Week 8 Day 4
Day 4: Balance in Relationships
Week 8 Day 5
Day 5: Riding The Waves Of Change
Week 8 Day 6 & 7
Day 6 & 7: Repeat & Discuss
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Day 4: Visiting The Mind's Room
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