Day 1: Unshakeable Balance of Mind

The purpose of today's exploration is to develop the ability to find your inner calm and stability in the midst of it all.

Guided Meditation

Open Awareness with Focus on All That Is Unchanging

Before meditation check in with your intentions for meditating.

Sit With It

Jack Kornfield, a mindfulness teacher, invites us to “Develop a mind that is vast like space, where experiences both pleasant and unpleasant can appear and disappear without conflict, struggle, or harm. Rest in a mind like vast sky.”

Use this imagery and words or other phrases that remind you to soften the grip of attachments that keep you stuck.

Run With It

When feeling stuck during the day, use the phrases below to see things clearly without resisting or grasping. Joseph Goldstein offers the phrase, “Anything can happen any time,” and another one I have commonly heard is, “Just this” and its variation, “This is the way things are right now.”

I like to remind myself, “My happiness is not dependent upon external events.”

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